Summary of 6/22/23 School Board Meeting

David Priddy was not present at the meeting.

A presentation was made about Arlington high school athletics, honoring teams that achieved top 3 rankings in the state. Board approved a consent agenda, including matters re healthcare benefits and the appointment of new principals and a food management director.

Dr. Durán in his announcement touted Niche rankings, teacher qualifications (87% have Masters degrees and 19 teachers are National Board Certified), student well-being, and the new literacy curriculum.

The school board discussed their priorities of student well-being and academic progress, recruitment and retention of talent, and operational efficiency. Mary Kadera emphasized the importance of mental health and collaboration with the county, while Bethany Zecher Sutton focused on the need to limit new academic initiatives.

Public comments included concerns about COVID-19 protocols and issues at Oakridge Elementary regarding student behavior, academic growth, staff turnover, and communication. An Arlington Teachers Union member called for the elimination of unnecessary pre-service days and adopt Teacher Council on Instruction (TCI) proposed preservice schedule. Finally, two parents raised concerns with APS’s overreliance on devices in schools, especially for our youngest learners. 

The Advisory Council on Teaching & Learning (ACTL), Budget Advisory Committee (BAC), and Advisory Council on School Facilities and Capital Programs (FAC) presented annual reports. 

The ACTL annual report was presented, covering topics such as student progress, curriculum communication to parents, and upcoming plans. The addition of intensified English Language Arts and Social Studies classes in middle school were highlighted as bright spots. Next year, an Educational Technology Advisory Committee will be launched and ACTL will take longer, deeper dives on fewer topics. Ms. Kadera noted her increasing concerns with research showing harmful impact of devices on youth. 

The BAC presented their annual report of recommendations. The BAC convenes monthly to thoroughly examine topics such as planning factors, reserves, and compensation in preparation for the proposed budget. The BAC Chair observed that the most common question raised is why APS's cost per pupil exceeds that of neighboring districts and the need for the budget to clearly articulate the reasons behind it. The BAC report also emphasized the importance of establishing explicit priorities, as not everything can be considered a priority. Furthermore, the report emphasized the principle that one-time funds should only be allocated for one-time expenditures. The BAC stressed the necessity of adopting a data-driven mindset and decision-making approach and emphasized the need for additional metrics to better comprehend the data and assess costs and value. Lastly, clarity regarding the utilization of reserves was identified as an area that needs to be addressed.

The Facilities Advisory Council presented their end-of-year report, highlighting the need for clear sustainability goals and volunteer recruitment. FAC struggles to reach quorums due to a lack of volunteerism was discussed.

Meeting closed with approval of an action item to replace the HVAC system at Wakefield High School.


Summary of 8/17/23 School Board Meeting


Summary of the 6/8/23 School Board Meeting